It can really be annoying when the taste of your fresh coffee goes off. There might be a step you are overlooking. The question here is - how many times have you thought about measuring coffee? Do you know how to measure coffee to get what you want? Is it important to measure coffee?
All these questions will be answered in this piece. Most people don't think it is necessary to measure the ratio of their coffee to water. But as you read on, you’ll see why it's very important. Getting the right proportion of coffee to water for that perfect brew can be a bit daunting but we'll explain it all.
There are many factors that you have to consider if you want to get the perfect ratio. We’ll consider some of these factors and provide you with the important information that can help you get the correct ratio.
One of the importance of measuring your coffee is to get consistency in every cup of coffee you brew. There has to be a balance. If your coffee is under measured, it will under extract, if the coffee is over measured, it will over-extract. That's why it is good to have an accurate measurement of coffee. When coffee goes through the roasting process, lots of changes happen. One of such changes is that the coffee beans decrease in moisture content.
Normally, before roasting takes place, the percentage of the moisture content of green coffee is about 11%. When roasting takes place, there is usually a drastic reduction which will make the moisture content reduce to 3 to 5%. So, the beans come out perfect and ready for brewing. This affects the weight.
However, buying great coffee is one thing, knowing the amount to measure is another thing. As we pointed out, using excessive coffee can brew coffee below standard. The result will be a sour coffee, with no sweetness. You now know why you shouldn't joke with coffee measurements, let's dive into the real subject- accurate measurement for brewing coffee.
A brew ratio serves as a guide, it shows the amount of coffee and water needed in the coffee-making process. While there’s no objective ratio of coffee to water, there is a general range that most people call ‘the sweet spot’. The general ratio is 1 gram of coffee to 15-18 grams of water (1:15-18). This means one part of coffee is added to 15 parts of water. At this range, the acids and bitter notes of the coffee balance each other out, the sweet sugars are more pronounced and pleasant.
You can scale the ratio up and down but you have to be careful. If you use more water (a 1:24 ratio, for example), your coffee can come out too weak. We recommend using the golden ratio as it keeps all elements in check and balanced.
There are various ways you can measure coffee. It can be through the use of coffee scoops, cups, or tablespoons. These three methods are called ‘volume-based' measurements of coffee. These methods have their own merits and demerits. Some people avoid the use of cups or spoons because it can be inaccurate sometimes. Pros prefer the scale method to the volume method because it is more effective and accurate.

As we mentioned, one of the best ways to have an accurate measurement of coffee is to use scales. In other words, the scale delivers a fast reaction and accuracy using up to 1.1g. What this means is that when you want to buy a scale, make sure that it is resistant to moisture. The scale should also have a built-in timer. It should also come with a USB port that can recharge the system.
Due to the changes in the mass of coffee which can be from the origin, roast degrees, and variety of the beans, there is a possibility that the results can come out inaccurate if you use other methods instead of the scale. All you have to do is weigh the beans and the water and allow the scale to tell you how the weight, then you’ll know whether more grounds should be added.
Also, using scales has a high impact on the quality and consistency of your brew. Follow these steps to avoid making measurement error Place the measuring bowl that contains beans on the scale.
Press ‘tare’ on your scale to reset it. Add the amount of coffee you want to the bowl. Don't forget the ratio guide we gave you. It can further assist you.
NOTE: To avoid errors in the accuracy of measurements, measure the coffee before you grind. You can measure it again if you’re not satisfied.
Like we mentioned, using other methods to measure may not turn out accurate. If you don't own a scale, here’s how to measure coffee without a scale. As you are not using a scale, there is a need to be more creative and reduce the level of inaccuracy. The no-scale measurement tools are- tablespoons and a liquid measuring cup.
First, you have to check which coffee you are measuring. Is it a light, medium, or medium roast? A standard tablespoon of lightly roasted coffee should weigh around 7 grams. A standard tablespoon of dark roasted coffee weighs around 5 grams. A standard tablespoon of medium roasted coffee is around the middle.
For tablespoon measurement: There are two types of tablespoons normally used for measuring. One is the level tablespoon, and the other is the rounded tablespoon. The size of the level tablespoon of coffee beans is around 4-7g.
Use small increment: The tip here is to use a smaller measuring scoop or cup. The problem with large scoops is that its harder to adjust. If the coffee you brew comes out weak when you use one level of the scoop, there's a way to adjust it. Use a smaller scoop, it allows you to adjust your dosing more effectively.
A teaspoon is another option, it's a great start, the smaller you go, the better.
For the liquid measuring cup: It's quite simple, 1g of liquid water is exactly 1ml of liquid water. These two units of measurements are based on each other, that's its direct translation.
The measurement of the coffee can vary depending on the brewing method.
- Using a percolator means filtering coffee grounds through a porous surface or substance. The percolator system of measuring coffee to standard is the simplest of all processes.
- Use one tablespoon of ground coffee for every 8 ounces of water. (use a coffee scale, it's better)
- Fill the percolator kettle with water to the desired level.
- Add coffee into the filter basket and cover the lid.
- Start to heat the percolator.
- Look out for the coffee perk, after five minutes of the first perk, cut off the heat.
- Then remove the filter basket to prevent the grounds from entering your brew.
The first thing you need to have in mind when talking about making coffee in a French press is the number of cups the vessel holds, a 4 cup French press can make about 2 cups of coffee.
- Grind some coffee, freshly ground coffee- coarse grind.
- Add the grounds to the press.
- Use 1 cup of water to 2 tablespoons of coffee. If you want it to be thicker, use 1 ½ cup to 4 tablespoons of coffee.
- Add the boiled water into the press in a swirling manner, make sure all the grounds are fully saturated.
- Allow it to steep for 4 to 5 minutes. Press the plunger down slowly to the bottom.
- Pour the coffee and enjoy. Read our guide on how to make French press coffee.
An espresso machine brews a strong cup of coffee. You just have to use fine grounds to brew and this method is fast. It takes 2 minutes to brew a shot of espresso.
- Measure 1 tablespoon of coffee for every ounce of water.
- Add coffee into the portafilter and tamp. Read our guide on how to tamp espresso like a pro.
- Transfer the portafilter to the machine and insert the jar beneath the coffee machine duct, then pull the shot.
This brewing method is easy and gives excellent results.
- Grind the coffee.
- Place the coffee filter in the coffee basket and add 1 tablespoon of coffee to the paper filter for every cup of coffee you want to make.
- Pour cold, filtered water into the reservoir.
- Press the start button and start brewing.
Using an accurate measurement of coffee is very important. If you really want to have good coffee, never brew without measurements. So put in more effort to measure correctly. Do you want to experience coffee with fascinating tasting notes like citrus, roses, and berries? Then check out our store and see for yourself.