Coffee is a delicious drink that cannot be missed. While coffee lovers may be willing to forgo other things while traveling or camping, a flavorful cup of coffee shouldn't be one of them. You don't have to forgo your morning cup. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to brew and enjoy good coffee on the move.
As long as you throw a little coffee brewing essentials into your backpack, you should be able to brew coffee that's just as good as the ones you brew at home.
Before you leave for a road trip or camp, you need to set yourself up for success. Coffee beans are the foundation of any good morning cup. Always prepare for your time up in the woods by purchasing freshly roasted coffee beans for your camping trip and store them properly. Coffee beans stay fresh for about 2 to 3 weeks before they begin to lose their flavor.
Buying beans shortly before leaving home will ensure that you are getting quality and freshness, with no compromise. You can order coffee beans from us before you are scheduled to leave, and they will be roasted and packaged for you. You should order some here.

Buy fresh beans
As pointed out, coffee beans can last for more than two weeks before they lose their flavor. So, pay attention when purchasing coffee, steer clear of coffee suppliers that sell coffee beans in clear plastics. Roasted coffee beans ought to be stored in a dark place, light can damage the beans. When buying the beans, ask when the beans were roasted. Always find out if the beans have a roast date and an expiry date. The best coffee suppliers roast every day.
At coffee hero, our main aim is to supply you with freshly roasted coffee beans that are perfect for any brew method.
What kind of beans to buy
You have to choose the right beans before your trip. There are generally two types of coffee beans. Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans are considered better beans with a more complex flavor and sweet taste. Arabica beans have fruity undertones.
Arabica beans have all these flavors because they are grown at a higher altitude. They grow in harsher conditions, but this turns out to be a good thing. Because they are grown in that condition, they take a longer time to grow. This means that it will fully develop all its flavorful compounds. Robusta coffee has less flavor and sugar.
Some people say they have a bitter aftertaste. These beans are grown at low altitudes and come from a relatively easy to manage plant, and they grow faster, so they tend to be cheaper. We recommend using 100% Arabica beans if you want to brew a more flavorful cup.
Roast type
The roast type depends entirely on what you like. The longer the coffee roast, the darker the beans will be. Dark roast produces a stronger flavor which some people prefer. If you are not sure whether you’ll prefer a darker or a lighter roast, experiment with a different roasts, before picking one. It's a good idea to use a coffee thermos to keep your coffee warm while you are exploring the campsite. You should also take note of where the coffee is grown.
This is because soil type, climate, and other environmental factors affect the flavor and taste of the beans. Different countries produce coffees with different flavors. Keep experimenting with different coffee beans. Also, keep a log to help you remember your first impressions.

Bean storage in camp
Having good storage techniques can help your beans last longer. The way coffee beans are stored can have a huge impact on their flavor. Air and light hurt coffee. Humidity also affects coffee so it should be stored in airtight glass containers.
Since you are going camping, glass containers will be a liability. The best coffee bean storage containers are non-breakable and airtight containers. These containers can help keep moisture away and protect the coffee from exposure to sunlight. If you are hiking or camping in cold weather, make sure the beans are kept in the warm part of your backpack, close to your body.
Most people don't realize that the kind of water they use can affect the taste of the coffee. Water contains minerals that have a huge impact on the coffee’s flavor profile. Water that contains minerals like magnesium, will absorb the flavors of your coffee. The kind of water you are bringing to the camp can affect how the coffee tastes.
Also, water cleanliness is another thing you have to consider when camping. Water found in rivers can be dirty or polluted. If you brew with water from a river or stream, your coffee will taste bad, it can also make your coffee harmful.
Use water that is odorless and colorless. Bear in mind, that water that smells in a cup or bottle is not good for coffee making. Find out if there's any odor, sniff the air around the water and consider its source before brewing.
Although odors are not necessarily a sign of a toxin, they can get in the way of your coffee enjoy and this is not what you want. It is better to use bottled water to brew outdoor coffee, just make sure the water is not distilled. Yes, distilled water is pure but it's not perfect for your brew.
It's obvious that electric coffee grinder is not going to be an option. Just ise manual coffee grinders that require a bit of elbow grease. Before you get a grinder, there are things you should look out for as it is essential for your camping trip.
Size: Is it really important? Yes, it is. Pick a grinder that is small enough to fit into your backpack, it shouldn't take up much space in your bag. Some grinders can even fit snugly inside your Aeropress.
Weight: Most backpackers will tell you to always pack light so it's better to pack a camping grinder that is lightweight, something that won't weigh you down.
Durability: The grinder you choose has to be durable, the last thing you want is a broken grinder when you are miles away from civilization or on a trip.
You’ll need a French press, a pot to boil water, medium ground coffee, a camping mug, and a heat source.
- Heat the water. Remove the plunger from the French press and add the coffee grounds to it.
- Add the desired amount of water and stir for about 10 to 15 seconds.
- Reinsert the plunger. Allow the coffee grounds to sit and brew for about 4 to 5 minutes (you can adjust the time the way you want).
- Press the grounds from the coffee using slow pressure on the plunger.
- Once the grounds are pressed to the bottom, you are set to pour out the delicious cup of coffee.
- To clean, remove the plunger from the brew chamber, dump the grounds from the brew chamber into the trash and rinse the brew chamber properly.
The percolator brewing method can give you a very rich and hearty coffee. You’ll need a percolator, ground coffee, heat source- a campfire can do the job.
- Start by removing the percolator apparatus and fill it with cold water, then reinsert it.
- The next step is to fill the ground basket with coarse ground coffee. You can use 1 heaping tablespoon of coffee per cup of water.
- Then, close the lid, making sure to align the siphon stem with the sight glass.
- Use medium heat until the first eruption of water through the siphon is visible Reduce the heat (remove it from fire) and let it sputter.
- Once it is brewed to your liking, open the lid and carefully remove the percolator.
- Allow the coffee grounds to settle, then pour and enjoy!
- Dispose of the grounds by throwing the ground basket into the trash, dissembling the percolator apparatus and all parts of the port.
Pour over coffee is one of the simplest and fastest ways to brew coffee outdoors. It's also great for making coffee for a larger group. You’ll need a pour-over coffee dripper, a pot to boil water, coffee grounds, a camping mug, and a heat source.
- Place the pour-over dripper onto your camping mug or carafe. Heat the water to a near boil temperature.
- Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds per cup of water. Tap the dripper gently to level the grounds out, so they can brew evenly.
- Remove the water from heat and pour some of the water, slowly, just enough to wet the ground.
- Wait for 30 seconds (You can gaze at the rising sun and the beautiful sky), then pour the remaining water into the grounds, starting at the center spirally outwards to the edge and back again.
- Allow the brew to drip, then remove the dripper and enjoy your camping coffee.
- To clean up, remove the filter with the ground. Rinse and wash the dripper.
You need an Aeropress, Aeropress filter, ground coffee, pot to boil water, heat source, and camping mug.
- Heat the water to the desired temperature, 90 to 96 degrees Celsius is ideal.
- Place the filter in the filter basket and attach the basket to the brew chamber.
- Add the coffee grounds needed.
- Fill the brew chamber with some of the hot water, stir it for about 10 to 15 seconds and allow it to drip.
- Pour the remaining water as the brew chamber drains. Insert the plunger to the press and apply downward pressure until it gets to the bottom (until you can hear air pressing through the grounds).
- Remove the Aeropress from the mug and enjoy.
- To clean, remove the filter basket and press the filter and grounds into the trash. Then rinse the filter basket, plunger, and brew chamber.
- Note that coffee grounds can be recycled but at this point, you have to trash them and you have to bag all your dirt. Some designated camping areas require that you pack out all waste. If you’re home, you can always use the grounds as a natural mix for the soil and fertilize special plants.
There you have it, all the brewing methods that can be used outdoors. Did we forget to mention portable coffee pod machines? They are easy to carry around. All you need to do is to buy single serve Compatible Nespresso pods packed with different flavors.
Before you leave, you should have a detailed plan in mind, know the type of coffee you want to brew, and which equipment you’ll be needing. The outdoor coffee-making process does not require electricity, so you just have to adjust your brewing method.
Make a list of all the tools you’ll need. Don't forget small, important tools like your coffee scoop. Once you’ve gathered all your equipment, clean all before packing it away in your backpack.
Remember to dry the equipment after washing to avoid staining your clothes and other items you must have packed before the coffee. One of the most important tools you shouldn't forget is your camping mug.
Unless you intend to drink cold brew coffee on the move, the coffee mug you pick should have a handle to prevent you from burning yourself. Some people may feel like instant coffee is the way to go, but we are not going to sugarcoat this for you, if you are a lover of fresh flavorful coffee, you shouldn't pick this option. It may be the lightest option but you may not like the taste of some instant coffees and you don't want to ruin your camping experience.
Exceptional camping coffee is largely impacted by the coffee beans you use, the equipment you bring, and the beauty of the place in which you get to enjoy it. Order our freshly roasted beans here to get started on an exciting camping coffee experience.