Do you want to try a different coffee routine? Do you want to get creative? Then a delicious cup of cappuccino may be the answer. It might just turn out to be your new favorite drink.
If you are wondering how to make a cappuccino, or you’ve probably not heard of this delicious drink. You should read on to find out more about this frothy and creamy drink.
A cappuccino is a very popular Italian drink, it is now well known in the coffee community. It is a hot beverage that most coffee enthusiasts love. The cappuccino is among the espresso-based drinks you may have heard of. It also contains a thick layer of milky microfoam.
This frothy drink is made with one shot of espresso (make it two if you want more caffeine), steamed milk, and layers of milk foam. Let's break it down- the ratio at this point will be 1/3 espresso, 1/3 milk foam, and 1/3 of steamed milk (any milk of your choice).
Note that this drink is not the same as a latte, it is smaller. Lovers of cappuccino enjoy drinking it because the recipe is a bit flexible, that is you can adjust the ingredients and the volume size. If you were to order a cappuccino in a café, and you see that they offer multiple sizes of this drink, just know that the ratio for espresso, milk, and milk foam won't change.
What about the flavors? The flavor of the cappuccino is rich and bold. It has a sweet taste because of the steamed milk added to it. The milk froth will give it an airy texture. Furthermore, you can customize the cappuccino by replacing the milk with cream and add other flavors like spices and different syrups. Remember that the cup for brewing has to be preheated if you want to get a more authentic experience.
If you want to make a cold cappuccino, then you should give the iced cappuccino a try. You can use either cold milk froth at the top or you can add some ice to it. As we said, the cappuccino drink is flexible.
You’ll find the history of your new favorite drinking interesting. The name of the drink originated from its brown color which is associated with the colors Capuchin friars do wear. You’ll see this light brown color when you’ve added the steamed milk to the dark espresso. It will create a delicious and beautiful level of crema.
You might just wait for a few seconds to admire the look of the cappuccino beverage before gulping it, the beautiful look is something you’d want to stare at..
Around the 1700s, the people in Vienna created another name for the Cappuccino, they called it ‘Kapuziner’. This drink was made of whipped cream and different spices. The cappuccino didn't make its way out of Italy until the 1900s, it then spread into the Austrian coffee shops, and now it is popular all over the globe.
The cortado is almost the same as cappuccino because it is made with espresso and steamed. The only difference here is that the cortado is made up of 1/2 of espresso and 1/2 of steamed milk. The cappuccino contains milk foam while cortado doesn't contain milk foam, so it has more of the espresso flavor.
This is another popular espresso-based drink. It is made with a shot of espresso and small milk foam. It is usually served in a small volume and does not contain any steamed milk.
Note that since it does not contain steamed milk, it will be more concentrated and have more caffeine since the strength of the espresso is not diluted
The flat white is another espresso drink that gives a mouthful. It contains espresso and steamed milk. If you want to make a flat white, you’ll need to use a higher proportion of coffee than steamed milk. That is, one or two shots of espresso and 2-4 ounces of milk with a layer of microfoam on it.
Flat white and cortado have some similarities, the only difference is the texture of the milk used. It has a more velvety texture because of the bubbles from the microfoam. However, the cappuccino is quite different from the flat white as it has less foam and a different texture.
Now that you’ve gotten a little history about the cappuccino, and you’ve learned about its uniqueness, it's time to make a delicious cup for yourself. Do you have an espresso machine at home? If you do, then you can start brewing a cappuccino in your kitchen, there is no need to visit a café.
We’ll show you how to make it, just follow the steps carefully, and you’ll have a delicious cup in your hand in a few minutes.
- Espresso machine
- Milk pitcher
- Cappuccino cup
- 16 grams of espresso beans
- 3/4 ounces of milk (91 grams)
The first thing you have to do is to bring all your ingredients to your table. You’ll have to buy freshly roasted coffee beans and grind them. A medium to dark roast will be perfect for this. This means that you’ll need 16 grams of coffee.
Make sure you use a burr grinder instead of a blade grinder is the blade grinder usually gives inconsistent grinds. After grinding the beans, it's time to pour the milk into a milk pitcher.
Once you have ground the beans, it's time to extract the espresso. Now place the coffee grounds into the portafilter, tamp it properly, put it into the machine, and pull 2 shots of espresso. It's better to brew the espresso directly in the cappuccino cup to save time.
As your espresso is extracted into the cappuccino cup, you can start steaming your milk to save some time. You need to be careful while doing this, so the milk won't burn. The milk shouldn't be steamed past 71 degrees Celsius. Make sure the pitcher moves in a vertical motion, this will allow the hot steam to heat the milk properly.
As we mentioned, the cappuccino needs to have enough foam, so you need to hold the tip of your steam wand in a way that it will be close to the surface of your milk. This technique will help to create plenty of foam that is needed for the cappuccino.
However, you should be cautious while steaming just the surface because this could lead to an increase in the milk’s quantity. So move the steam wand into the milk a few times, then to the surface. Remember you need both steamed milk and froth, don't just focus on one (getting the froth).
Once the espresso is extracted and the steamed milk is ready, it's time to mix the two. As you pour the milk, you have to raise the pitcher about 3 inches high, and it ought to be poured in a slightly circular motion. Since the milk is hot, it will blend well with the espresso.
Remember that the milk froth is the last thing to be poured. It's supposed to remain on top to give the cappuccino a fluffy look.
You can still enjoy a cup of cappuccino without an espresso machine. You can use any of these machines to make espresso-style coffee and add the steamed milk to it.
- Start by removing the lid of your French press and add some hot water to preheat the equipment.
- The next step is to add the coffee grounds to it. Then boil water to 90 to 96 degrees and add one of it to the coffee.
- Allow it to bloom for about 30 seconds, then add the remaining water until it has gone halfway in the French press (depending on the quantity you want to make). It is best to use less water as it will create a more concentrated brew.
- Now fix the lid on the press and allow the coffee to brew for about 4 to 5 minutes. After this, apply pressure to the plunger and lower it slowly.
- Once you’ve done this, you can pour the coffee and add steamed milk and froth to it.
If you have an Aeropress, you can still make good use of it. You’ll be needing filters to make Aeropress coffee.
- First, you have to weigh the amount of coffee you want to use and grind it and measure the water too.
- It's time to rinse your filter and place it properly on the filter cap.
- Then add the coffee grounds to the Aeropress Chamber, and add the filtered hot water to it. Swirl the mixture for some seconds so that the grounds will be fully saturated, or you can use a spoon for this.
- Now, attach the filter cap properly, and plunge the espresso-style coffee into your cup, add the steamed milk and froth, and you’re good to go.
If you use a Moka pot, you’ll get an authentic espresso-like coffee, because this stovetop device is known for brewing strong coffee. It's a bit different from the other brewing methods as you won't need to heat the water yourself.
- All you need to do is to add cold water to the lower chamber of the Moka pot, then put the funnel into the device and add the coffee grounds.
- Now attach both chambers and place the Moka pot on the stove and allow it to boil. Once you hear a gurgling sound, it means that the brewed coffee is going to the upper chamber.
- When you see coffee and foam from the funnel spout, remove it from the stove.
- The espresso-style coffee is ready, all you have to do is add the steamed milk and milk froth to it and your cappuccino is ready!
How To Make Cappuccino With A Nespresso Machine
If you own a Nespresso machine and you are wondering if you can make Cappuccino with coffee pods the answer is Yes.
What You'll Need
- Nespresso pods
- A mug
- Milk frother, if your Nespresso machine doesn't have one.
- Nespresso machine
- 1/3 cup of milk
- Cocoa powder
- Froth your milk first. If your machine has a frothing wand, use it or froth with a whisk. Ensure that you don't overheat the milk.
- Fix the Compatible Nespresso pods into your machine and press the brew button.
- When your espresso is ready, slowly pour the frothed milk into the mug.
- If you want to make something fancier, you can add sprinkles of cocoa on the drink. Be careful not to add too much else the drink will become a mocha.
- Enjoy your drink!
Now you know how to make another coffee drink that's delicious. You can tweak the measurements the way you like, you are now a home barista. The steaming process may need a bit of practice before you get a hang of it. If you keep practicing, you’ll be able to create a flawless cappuccino in no time.
But Hey, learning to steam the milk properly is not the only thing you need to look out for. If you are using stale coffee beans to brew, this recipe won't come out delicious. So it's best to buy freshly roasted coffee beans from a reputable roaster. Buy coffee beans that are perfect for making a cappuccino here.
Happy brewing!