how to brew chemex coffee at home

Do you want to know everything about Chemex coffee? How to brew delicious coffee with a Chemex? What kind of beans to use? And what does Chemex coffee taste like? Then you are reading the right post.
In this post, we will go over the answers to these questions. We have made an easy guide to follow so you can get started on making tasty coffee at home. Grab yourself some Freshly roasted coffee beans and start reading. We will start with the basics about the Chemex brewer and move to other points.
Dr. Peter Schlumbohm was the chemist that discovered the Chemex brewing method. In the 20th century, Dr. Schlumbohm invented this interesting brewer based on simplicity and elegance rather than complexity or flashiness. He was able to brew this coffee maker using a single hourglass-shaped flask and paper filters. It doesn't matter if you’ve known the Chemex brewer for ages or you are new to this pour-over method, read on, you have a lot to learn from this guide.
To lovers of the pour-over method, brewing with a Chemex is a peaceful moment in a day. A kettle is used to pour water over coffee grounds and watch the water run through the coffee filter slowly. It's an amazing experience.
Chemex coffee tastes more balanced than the other coffee brewing methods. The filters used for Chemex filter most of the imbalances in coffee. You’ll be left with a subtle, balanced, and great-tasting coffee. When compared to the French press, the Chemex brings out more flavors and taste notes. Because of the coffee filter, you’ll get to taste more of the coffee’s flavors and the coffee gets more interesting.
Note that the flavor you get from Chemex coffee depends on the types of coffee beans you use. There are different coffee origins and roasts for you to choose from. You can get the best coffee beans from our store with chocolatey, nutty, fruity, and winey flavors.
These are the basic equipment needed to brew tasty coffee with a Chemex. The recipe used in this post will produce 6 cups of coffee.
Equipment needed for brewing
A Chemex, a filter, water, freshly roasted coffee bean, a kettle, coffee grinde, and a timer
What's the best coffee beans to use for Chemex?
The two main choices you have to make when choosing a bag of coffee are the origin and the roast. The origin usually will determine the flavor profile the beans will have while the roast will determine the acidity and how many flavors the beans will lose. For example, dark roasted coffee beans are roasted to a level where some of the flavors are lost and it leaves you with a strong-tasting coffee when brewed. The best coffee needed for Chemex brewer depends largely on the flavor profile you want.
Best coffee roast for Chemex brewer
Since Chemex filters out more imbalances than some coffee makers, we recommend using a medium roast or light roast coffee.

Most coffee lovers like to use lightly roasted coffee beans. They prefer it because it has tons of flavors than other roasts. The choice is totally yours. You can choose any type of coffee. Coffees have different flavors and roast, single-origin beans, and coffee blends.
We mentioned that it's better to grind just before brewing but that's not where it ends. You need the perfect grind size for your Chemex. Grounds vary in size from large chunks to fine dust-like powdered sugar. Know which grind size works best for you.
Take note that the right grind for Chemex is medium-coarse (it's between the size of sea salt and sand). Get a grinder of your choice (burr grinders are better, they produce consistent grinds). Grind about 50-57 grams of coffee. If you don't get the perfect grind the first time, don't worry, just keep experimenting, you’ll get the right.
Fold the filter properly. This isn't so difficult but it's quite different from the normal filter you put into the top compartment of the normal coffee maker. They are not conventional but the double-bonded paper filters help to extract a cup of coffee with less bitterness.
This is because the Chemex filters are heavier than other filters so they can retain more of the suspended oils during extraction and the solids (grounds) don't pass through the filter. The filter comes as an unfolded circle. You just have to fold the circle in half, then fold it again.
Now, the filter will look like a triangle that's curved at the bottom base. Separate the 3rd and 4th layers of the filter with your fingers and open it. You should have a cone-shaped filter in front of you. There should also be one side of the filter made of a single layer of paper and the other side with 3 layers.
Now place the filter into the top of the Chemex, the 3 layer side should be along with the spout of the Chemex. This is important because of ventilation and extraction. You shouldn't overlook it. Rinse filters properly, it's essential. When you have placed the filter in the Chemex, pour some of the hot water through the filter before adding the coffee. Ensure that you drain the excess water, it will keep the coffee from having a paper taste.
By now you should have gotten the medium-coarse grind coffee and a layered filter in the Chemex. You are getting ready to dump the coffee grounds and let it brew, not yet. There is one important element you haven't taken note of- The coffee to water ratio. The general rule is to add two tablespoons of coffee for every one cup of water.
This is the moment you have been waiting for. Add the coffee grounds to the Chemex filter and add water. Take note 55 grams of coffee to one liter of water is a great ratio for 6 cups Chemex. Let the water sit for 30 seconds after it stops boiling. This will get the temperature within 90 to 96 C. It's time to set your timer, For the first pour. You have to wet the grounds evenly. Allow the coffee stand for 30 seconds. This is known as coffee blooming.
It helps release carbon dioxide from the grounds as an aroma that you’ll love. This also primes your coffee grounds and helps them extract fully. For the second pour, slowly pour the water from the middle. Pour in concentric circles that are towards the edge of the Chemex. The water level should barely be below the top.
Bear in mind that the exact pour time will vary depending on the amount of coffee you want to make. The goal during the pour-over method is to sink all the grounds on the surface of the bed. This will create gentle turbulence that will stir the coffee. Note that a 6 cup Chemex recipe requires you to spread your pours out. If you are brewing 1-liter of coffee (maybe for guests or people that want serious caffeination), you should look at the little belly button on your Chemex. When the coffee has gotten to the top of the button, then add one final pour and this will be within a few grams of a good 1 liter pour.
Keep experimenting and fine-tune your pour-over method. You can master the Chemex brewer by embracing the art and science of this brewing method. Enjoy your coffee!
Well, it's all done, once your water has successfully drained through your filter. You should discard the filter and pour your coffee. To get the best coffee, you need freshly roasted coffee beans from Coffee hero.
If you are interested in brewing with other methods, you can check a list of other brewing guides here.
You have to clean your coffee maker properly. Your coffee will definitely taste better if your Chemex is properly cleaned. We suggest you rinse the Chemex with hot water. Rinsing is okay if you are just making one cup of coffee. But if you are using the Chemex a lot more than this, then you’ll have to clean it with soap.