Colombian Coffee - Everything You Need To Know
Colombian Coffee - Everything You Need To Know
There is doubt that as a coffee lover, you have seen Colombian coffee on coffee packets. Or maybe you are scrolling through pages and you want to try something different like Colombian coffee but hesitated because of uncertainty? Well, it is time to change that!

Colombian coffee stands apart in the mind of coffee lovers. It is something special. But the question is why? What is Colombian coffee? Why is it so special?
Colombia is famous for growing some of the best coffee beans. The coffee plant thrives under the shade of banana trees in a tropical climate. The way the beans grow, is shaped by Colombia’s high altitude. The country produces plenty of coffee and exports a lot of its best beans. You could get your hands on Colombian single-origin coffee and start brewing!
Before that, let's tell you why it's so special. The unique flavors and strong aroma makes Colombian coffee a favorite for many. Coffee culture is unique across the number of countries that love it. When we talk about Colombian coffee, we are not talking about a roasting or brewing method but how it is grown. Colombia is a near-perfect coffee-growing climate. That is, it produces a specific type of bean from the environment.
Colombia experiences heavy rainfall and the landscape never gets close to falling below freezing temperatures at any time of the year. The richness of the flavor of Colombian beans comes from the perfect climate, good soil, and the right amount of rainfall. Coffee grows well in places with at least 200 centimeters of rainfall each year.

This means Colombia has mountainous terrain, a tropical location, and high rainfall with just the right amount of sunlight perfect for coffee. The coffee is produced throughout the northern half of Colombia in a line stretching from the south border (Ecuador) to the northwestern border(Venezuela).
Coffee is produced in 20 to 33 departments that make up Colombia, they include Cauca, Caldas, Risaralda, Sierra Nevada, etc. Colombian coffees have varieties, the most common ones are Caturra, Typica, and Castillo. You can also find Geisha, Bourbon, Maragogype, and even Tabi. In terms of growing and harvesting, Colombia does not just have the perfect climate but it also has about 600,000 coffee growers and most of them pick the beans by hand. Yea, you read that right. The handpicking harvesting method shouldn't be underestimated. A machine can't tell the difference between unripe green beans, overripe beans, or ripe beans, but a human can. Because of the sheer geographic size of Colombia, the harvest season varies.
Also, unlike many Asian and African coffees that are dry-processed, most Colombian coffees are wet-processed. The washing process results in more acidity. They are typically washed and dried on patios. When you buy Colombian coffee, you are off to a good start!
Read more: How is coffee grown, harvested, and processed?

We’ll like to call Colombian coffee a crowd-pleaser. Good quality Colombian coffee has flavors like caramel, nuts, and chocolate. It is more like what you see from Brazilian coffees but there's more acidity. Acidity in a good quality coffee, gives a vibrant and refreshing taste. Note that acidity isn't soreness. Acidity is what you enjoy from pineapple or apple while sourness is the unpleasant taste you get when you eat fruits that aren't ripe.
Since Colombian coffees have a more toned profile flavor, it makes a perfect coffee for mass production. Their balance in acidity, sweetness, and body, makes them perfect for espresso and blends.
Colombia doesn't just produce full-bodied coffee, they have a variety of flavors. You can find vibrant and fruity flavors such as berries as well as coffees with floral notes. So, you see why Colombian coffee is so popular? They do provide something for everyone
No, not always. Colombian coffee has a medium roast or a dark roast that is used to make rich espresso blends. Take note that coffee roast isn't related to the growth of coffee. Colombia is famous for its coffee beans which can be roasted to light or medium roast degrees. You can pick any roast you like from coffee hero to get started on the real Colombian coffee experience.

Colombia produces mostly Arabica beans which gives the light and flowery taste that most coffee enthusiasts crave. There are two main types of coffee grown in the world, Arabica and Robusta, The Arabica is lighter and sweeter, while Robusta is denser. Arabica beans make a delightful roast, from light to medium as the beans are already extremely flavorful.
In this context, there isn't such a thing as ‘regular coffee’. All coffee drinks are made from specific coffee beans grown in different regions or coffee blends. Buying Colombian coffee means taking higher-end coffee and a more refined taste you will love.
Colombian coffee has almost the same caffeine content as beans grown in other places. Whether the Colombian beans are roasted light, medium, or dark, they will still have similar caffeine content. Caffeine doesn't need roasting to develop within the beans, it also doesn't break when the beans is roasted.
High-quality Colombian beans make strong coffee that doesn't fall short of expectations. Once you have found a coffee maker that fits your lifestyle, you can start experimenting with a light or darker roast to find a strength that fits you. Buy high-quality Colombian beans because low-quality beans give you a bitter brew. Colombian coffee still maintains its integrity of flavors even when it goes through intense brewing methods.
Brewing a strong cup of coffee will generally require adding more grounds and less water or a more sophisticated brewing method. Loading up your coffee maker with heaps of the ground will give you a different cup. but it may not come out as strong as you want it. Try brewing with a French press to get a more complex flavor.
Read more: Tips on how to make a strong cup of coffee
Use a siphon
A siphon is also known as a jackpot. This method uses a siphon made from cloth, pressure, and heat to infuse water through the Colombian beans (of course after they have been roasted and grounded). The grind is finer but has to be a bit coarser than the grind for espresso. If you want to enjoy a full-bodied Colombian coffee, then a siphon is right for you.
Use a Chemex
This method uses a medium-coarse grind. When you brew with this method, you won't need to add sugar, you’ll probably need a little cream or you can just have the coffee black. Chemex uses the thickest paper filters, so the sweet notes still shine.
Use a French press
This type of coffee maker uses a coarse grind of Colombian coffee beans. The beans are plunged for about 3 to 5 minutes. You’ll have a thick bittersweet honeyed coffee in your final cup. Remember the best type of coffee to use is the ones that are freshly roasted, no more than 2 to 3 weeks.
Use a stovetop espresso
The stovetop espresso is one of the popular methods of brewing. It needs a slightly coarse grind than the real espresso. The pressurized water passes through the fine grind of Colombian coffee once heat is added. Note that this method produces a bold cup but is not compared to the regular espresso.
Colombian beans brewed with this method come off slightly metallic and taste like toasted malt. Buy Colombian coffee and make blends Oh, you didn't know that you can create your blends? Blending involves combining coffee from two or more origins that produces something different or gives a unique taste.
You can blend Colombian coffee with Guatemalan and Brazilian coffee beans. Check out our previous post on coffee blends to learn more.
So, if you are looking to enjoy a cup of one of the finest coffees in the world, then the Colombian cover is a perfect choice. Now you know why the coffee is so good.
Also, you can try different things with Colombian coffee, you can use any brew method. From a French press to a Chemex, siphon, or stovetop espresso. Why not order Colombian coffee from us to get started.