- Flavor profile: Floral aroma, a hint of acidity, rich sweetness
- Main growing regions: Amazonas, San Martins, Andes
- Processing methods: Wet process, washed
Coffee is practically one of the top commodities in the world. There are coffee aficionados all over the world. Are you one of the coffee lovers? Then you should taste coffee from Peru. Any coffee lover would tell you that one of the best single-origin coffees to enjoy is that from Peru. Try it and you’ll come back for more.
The coffee is carefully grown and cultivated by experienced farmers in the coffee industry. Peruvian is now one of the most recognized coffees in the world. Peru coffee doesn't grow plenty of coffee beans, but all the ones grown are of good quality. It delivers you a smooth cup of coffee that helps you relax, and has the perfect caffeine kick that can start your day.
In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about these beans. By the time you are done reading, you'll be ordering a bag of Peruvian coffee beans.
These are interesting facts you need to know about these coffee beans that brew delicious coffee.
Coffee came into Peru in the 1700s, and the Typica variety is now the major coffee plant variety grown across the country. Brought by its neighbor Ecuador, the plant began as a scale production along the western coast. Around the end of the 20th Century, Peru wasn't part of the competitive market because it didn't have the basic infrastructure and processing methods to grow coffee, this is a problem many coffee-growing nations face. It is a serious issue that can lead to inconsistency in quality and can drive buyers away.
The infrastructure problem distracted Peru from having any coffee farming potential, so they focused more on crops like cacao. Things got worse when coffee prices crashed in the 1990s. However, things turned around for the Peruvian coffee farmers in that 20th century, along with other nations that had the same problems. They changed, picked up themselves, and rebuilt all the years they had lost.
After the rebuilding movement started, there was refocusing on the development of their coffee. They have been able to develop quality coffee by tapping into all the natural potentials that are naturally present in the soil and climate of the farms.
With the involvement of the government, along with the support and guidance of some private groups, momentum and enthusiasm were brought to the rehabilitation of the coffee industry. Currently, Peruvian coffee beans are now considered to be among the best in the world (of course, along with others on our site).
In 2018, Peru was listed as the 11th largest coffee producer in the world and is the 5th in the Exportation of Arabica coffee beans. Currently, the crops are cultivated on a large scale and the beans are handpicked and hand processed. Hold on, we are still going to tell you more, but we’ll love you to know the flavor profile of these coffee beans.
Have you heard of Peruvian coffee and you wondered what kind of flavors it has? Now, you’ll know. Peruvian coffee beans tend to be pleasant with mild acidity and have a light body. They are anything but bland, they have exciting flavor profiles that can vary from one plant to another, but be rest assured that the taste will bring delight to your palate. The flavor is perfect to brew strong black coffee and it goes well with whatever additions you want to make to it.

Yes, as in the case of some countries with more traditional forms of farming, a large portion of Peruvian coffee beans are grown organically. Peruvian coffee farmers didn't even have access to pesticides and chemical fertilizers in the first place. Because several importers and exporters now take time to ensure that most coffee farms meet organic standards, there are several certified Peruvian coffees in the market today like ours.
The farmers, plant their coffee in shady, high elevated areas. They plant crops between 3200-6000 feet (1.83 km). As a result of this, the beans are flavorful and grown at higher elevations; this causes them to ‘fight’ to grow. This struggle means that the beans go through what forces them to produce more sugars and nutrients that contribute to the flavor profile of the beans.
The harvest time for Peruvian coffee beans ranges between March and September. When the beans are harvested and sorted through, they are processed using the wet processing method. This method ferments the beans to highlight and bring out all the inner tones of the flavor in the coffee beans.
In Peru, several regions are specifically dedicated to agriculture. Since coffee is a large exportation crop, the growing regions are located in the Eastern part of the country and the Southern highlands. The essential growing regions are Chanchamayo, Amazonas, San Martin, and the Andes.
This valley is located in the middle of the country, it is known for producing some of the highest quality beans in Peru. The Chanchamayo valley is located around the Andes Mountains. The coffee farmers here plant coffee beans at an elevation of around 5000 feet (1.52 km) and the coffee is usually light-medium bodied with hints of nuts to fruity and even chocolatey flavors.
Amazonas is found in the northern part of Peru and it has the highest elevation area, making it an ideal location for coffee growing. The growing elevation here is between 5700-6500 feet (ca. 2 km) above sea level. The coffee beans have notes of berries, citrus, and a creamy body with a slight chocolatey after-taste.
It is also located in the northern highlands of Peru. This region encompasses the Andrea Plateau, the Huallage River, and numerous hills along the landscape. San Martin is the third-largest coffee-growing region in Peru and it continues to grow each year. The region is an organic, agricultural climate.
The Andes Mountains have some of the richest environs and agricultural regions in the world. When it comes to coffee growing, the region produces some the most of the flavor-filled beans in the country. The growing elevation here is between 3200-6000 feet in elevation.
The southern Highlands area accounts for around 23% of the country’s total coffee beans production. The Highlands are so high in elevation to host a healthy climate for coffee plants.
Also, most of the farmers here tend to their crops by hand and nurture the beans from the time it's planted until they have been shipped.
You can always get Peruvian coffee beans but if it's not of good quality, you won't get the real taste profile of the beans. So make sure you buy 100% Arabica beans that are freshly roasted. You don't have to go all the way to Peru to get these coffee beans that brew delicious and flavorful coffee. You can get it here
Two types of roast are suitable for Peruvian coffee. That is a light roast and a medium roast. The dark roast also works fine. But the medium roast draws out the original grainy and tasty flavor of the beans, so you should try it. For brewing, Peruvian coffee a vibrant taste yet a gentle amount of flavor so it can be brewed with various method . These are just a few brewing methods that we suggest can bring out most of the flavor from your Peruvian coffee beans.
If you love the pour-over method, then the Peruvian coffee will just become your favorite coffee. This method allows manual control of the brewing process. When the ‘bloom’ occurs, the coffee releases all the fruity, and nutty notes that the grounds have.
The French press brews a rich and saturated cup of coffee. Since it uses an immersion process (soaking the grounds with hot water), many flavors are extracted from the grounds. Also, grind the coffee yourself if you want to get all the flavors and aromas. It is recommended that you use a burr grinder and a coarse setting.
If you are an espresso lover, then Peruvian coffee is a great option. To brew espresso you need to use a finer grind size. This will allow the hot water to force through the portafilter of your espresso machine to extract all the flavors. Just make sure you tamp the grounds properly to get an even brew.
Now you know so much about one of the greatest coffees that coffee aficionados get their hands on. Peruvian coffee has an outstanding flavor, with light acidity and a full body. It is smooth and gives a refreshing feel for every sip you take. You should get some here and try. It's a taste you want to experience.
Enjoy your Peruvian coffee!