Understanding The Basics Of Drip Coffee


Hot coffee poured from a kettle

You may or may not have heard of the term ’drip coffee’ but I do not doubt that you’ve had drip coffee. Drip coffee has become a popular beverage because the brewing style preserves the delicious and energetic characteristics of coffee. In this guide, we will help you understand the basics of drip coffee and how to brew drip coffee. Once you get the correct ratio to brew, you’ll easily get a delicious cup of coffee ready, thanks to drip coffee makers. 


So why the name drip coffee? We’ll tell you, the name has everything to do with how the coffee is brewed. Drip coffee is made by mixing hot water with ground coffee contained in a filter and then collecting the brew as it drips into a glass below the filter. This method does not leave any precipitate at the bottom of the cup. But know that the filter absorbs the oils contained in the coffee so it won't have any foam unless a metal filter is used. 


Drip coffee relies mostly on a coffee maker to brew coffee. The coffee maker works by thermally inducing pressure that drives hot water towards the grounds and allows the coffee to brew slowly. The surface you see gives you the idea of pressure and hot water which is similar to how an espresso machine works. The efficiency that the electric drip maker provides is the most intriguing characteristic of the drip brew process, because the machine controls the entire brewing process for you. 

The only work you need to do is to grind your fresh coffee beans, pour water in the reservoir and coffee grounds into the filter, and voila! Your coffee is ready. Drip coffee is brewed slowly so you will need a medium-coarse grind if you want to get a smooth, refreshing cup that you can enjoy. Besides, it is easy to use and relatively affordable.  


Trying to get a cup of Joe? Well, a perfect cup of coffee is a result of your choices, techniques, perfect measurements, and time. There are technical sides to making coffee. That is getting the correct grind size, brewing time, and water temperature but you can also add your personal touch to it. The personal touch could be relating to the coffee beans, the roast type, and the filter you use. We’ll provide a guide you need to look at before you make your choice and start brewing. 

Drip coffee maker


Water is an essential element you need to make drip coffee, if you use poor quality water, you’ll end up with an average cup of coffee that has lost the flavors you want. Do not use tap water, it has too many minerals and particles that are going to affect the taste of your coffee. Filtered water is a great choice, just ensure you don't use a filter that removes chlorine and other compounds that may impact the strong taste in your coffee. In other words, the water you use should be odorless and colorless.  


Grind size isn't something that should be overlooked. If you are using a finer, you will need to prolong the brewing time because the water will pass slower through the compact coffee. If you use a coarse grind, the water will pass too fast and it will result in under-extraction. Also, a grind that is too fine will allow more soluble oils to pass through your filter, especially if you are using non paper filters. At the end of the day, your coffee will be less clear, phew this can be disappointing if you don't like a strong coffee or can't deal with the bitterness. But if you like stronger. Then you won't have a problem with this. 


If you want to get a really good cup of coffee, you need to buy freshly roasted coffee beans (single origin or blends) and grind them at home. This way, the coffee will remain as fresh as possible and no flavor or aroma will get lost. Ground coffee loses its aromatic oils in 30 minutes to 1hour if it is left in the open air. That is to say, the best time to grind coffee is just before brewing to retain much of the goodness in the beans. 

It is advisable to invest in a good coffee grinder. Any coffee grinder you pick needs to be of good quality. You should buy a burr grinder, blade grinders cannot grind uniformly, You will have a mix of coarse grounds and fine grounds and this will result in grounds passing through the filter into your final cup or the fine grounds clogging up your filter thereby, making the coffee pour too slowly.  



Temperature is an important factor to consider when brewing drip coffee. The ideal water temperature for drip is between 90 to 96 degrees Celsius. This should be the temperature of the water when it touches the grinds. You can invest in a thermometer to get this correctly. 


Use 7-8 grams of ground coffee for about every 100-150ml of water. The amount of coffee can be adjusted to your taste. However, this is just a recommendation, if you have a sensitive stomach, you can use less coffee but if you don't experience this, you could add more coffee and get a stronger brew. 

One thing you should know about coffee machines is that the more coffee you brew at once, the less coffee you need.  When brewing two cups, your grounds don't have the necessary time to fully absorb water and the incomplete saturation will give you a weak cup of coffee. If you want to make a single cup, the drip cone is a better option. 


The time coffee needs to be immersed in water depends on the brewing type. For drip coffee, the brew time is 5 minutes. If your coffee machine drips too fast, you’ll have a weak cup. If the water is not hot enough (between 90-96 degrees Celsius), brewing time has to be longer to help you extract properly. That is, the lower the temperature, the longer you need to steep.  


A paper filter is one of the most important aspects of drip brewing. The kind of filter you buy can determine the body and taste of your coffee. You should know this if you are using a paper filter, it is dense, retains more of the soluble solids in coffee, and gives you a clean cup. Because they are dense, they’ll retain the oils in the coffee which can flatten the taste of your coffee. A better alternative is a mesh filter. If you are using a mesh filter, you have to grind coarser and of course, you need a good grinder that delivers a uniform grind. Also, rinse paper filters with water before using it. 

Note: Only use good quality fresh beans. If you buy coffee beans that have stayed over a month, your final cup will have little or no flavor left. Also, if you have gotten the beans, make sure you store them properly. Light, oxygen, and moisture are the worst enemies of coffee beans. 


Also, keep your coffee maker clean, the water reservoir, the carafe and the pipes inside the machine need to be cleaned regularly. Inside the machine needs a descaling to remove calcium deposits as it can affect the functionality of your machine, and the taste of your coffee. 

Okay, you have considered all these, time to brew! 

  • Weight the coffee you need and the water. 
  • Grind the coffee 
  • Place a filter in the basket of the coffee maker. 
  • Add the desired amount of coffee grounds into the filter and shake so that it can even out.  
  • Add water to the reservoir  (filtered water) 
  • Press the start button to brew. 
  • When the brew is ready (5 minutes), you can enjoy your perfectly brewed cup of coffee.  

Start brewing! At our store, you can find outstanding coffees, both single-origin beans, and coffee blends. They are all freshly roasted and excellent for drip coffee. Click here to order today.

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