Coffee made with paper filters

If you have visited high-end coffee shops that use artisan brew methods like pour-over, you’ll notice that most baristas rinse paper filters just before brewing and you are wondering why? Or you have read recipes for brewing that directed you to rinse the paper filter but you didn't know why? 

In this guide, we'll tell you why you should rinse your paper filter if you want to enjoy your coffee. We’ll also tell you about the different types of coffee filters to choose from. 

You don't want all the flavors that come from bleaching coffee filters. A serious coffee lover will know that these flavors shouldn't be in your coffee. You should do something about it. You don't want papery flavors or chlorine from bleaching of paper filters but do you like drip coffee? Then you should read this post. 

Think about it, how did the filters get white? It's possible they were treated with bleach to make them white. If you don't rinse the filter, your coffee will have a papery taste. This happens a lot with a lighter roast. To avoid any unwanted flavor, do what professionals do and pre-wet your filter with hot water before continuing with the brew.

Rinsing the filter doesn't just take away the unwanted flavors, it will help pre-warm your brewing equipment.  Unwanted flavors are more pronounced with cheaper, low-quality filters. You should go for specialty filters like the ones made by Krup or Chemex. These brands use the oxygenating process instead of the bleaching method.

Another option for the drip brewing method is to use reusable metal filters. But you will have to clean the filters regularly to remove all coffee oils that have built up over time or have gone rancid. Rinsing the filter will help to reduce dust and residues. If you don't, these particles will find their way to your cup of coffee and tint the original flavors of coffee. 

In addition, it will reduce the colorant in coffee because each filter comes with purities that can color water. Like we said earlier, rinsing the paper filters help with extraction. Instead of your coffee interacting with a cold, dry surface, the filter will be prepared to receive the coffee grounds and hot water. 


It's pretty easy to do this, just place the filter in the brewer and add hot water to it. Ensure that the surface is cleaned equally and that you don't leave any dry patches behind. After pouring the water, discard it and rinse the filter again. Check the type of filter you are using so you’ll know the number of times to rinse the filter. This is because some filters are too thin and it may break down if it is rinsed with too much hot water. You don't want the pieces of paper to be transferred to your cup of coffee.

You should know that not all filters are designed or produced equally. The type of filter you choose to make your morning brew will affect the overall taste of your coffee. The body of the coffee, the way the flavors blend, and the aromatic compounds in the coffee are all impacted by the type of coffee filter you use. When you understand how different coffee filters work, you will be able to make informed decisions about how you will like your morning brew to taste. 

Since you won't be visiting coffee shops, you need to know which coffee beans taste best suits your preference. And you need to learn the types of filters. Each coffee filter type will affect the brewing process differently. So as you read on, take a look at which one will best fit your coffee lifestyle.  

Freshly roasted coffee beans in AustraliaFreshly roasted coffee beans in Australia


Paper coffee filters are exactly what you think when it comes to coffee making. They are available in supermarkets and are always close to drip coffee pots found in most homes. Paper filters are made to absorb most of the oils and micro grounds from coffee- they are tightly woven. Coffee lovers say this has its advantages and disadvantages. 

On one side, the absence of the coffee oils or micro grounds gives you a thinner cup and a drink that's free from sediments. The coffee loses its flavors and aromas. Without these things and microscopic grounds, the acids will be more pronounced and really strong. Paper coffees were formally the most coffee filter used. Many coffee drinkers say that paper filters made their coffee thinner. 

Currently, coffee filters now make excellent coffee than they used to. People still prefer coffee made with paper filters because it comes out crisp and clean. The summary- paper filters produce a light, bright, crisp, and clean cup of coffee. The clean-up process is quick and really convenient. 


Metal coffee filters produce coffee that's different from that of paper filters. This is because the metal coffee filters do not have finely weaved paper that absorbs the oils or catches any microscopic grounds. Some of the grounds might end up in your final cup.

We know that this might sound weird but people enjoy coffee made with metal filters. They enjoy drinking with a few coffee grounds just like Turkish coffee. The natural oils in coffee are responsible for the aromas that coffees have. There are over 800 aromatic compounds in coffee. 

Note that these coffee oils are not noticeable texture-wise. But they hugely contribute to the overall flavor of the coffee. Most flavors come out when the coffee oils are present. These flavors include floral, blueberry, and other lighter and sweet flavors. 

The micro grounds can help thicken the mouthfeel of your coffee but it's not in a gross way. You may not have a pure and clean coffee, your cup of coffee will feel slightly thicker and heavier. These coffee grounds won't exactly reduce the acidity in your coffee. But they do cause your palate to perceive the coffee to be strong or intense.

Sometimes you’ll find thin layers of micro-ground sediments at the bottom of your cup when you use metal filters. Note that it's completely harmless and makes a flavor-packed cup-strong coffee. You don't have to drink this kind of coffee if you are not fond of this texture. It's not easy to clean metal filters but they are durable. If you take care of them properly, there will be zero paper waste. In a nutshell, the coffee filters produce coffee that is aromatic, bold, and rich.  


Coffee filters are not so common. The weaved cloth will catch all the coffee grounds and the micro grounds and coffee oils. The result is usually clean and free from sediments. It produces coffee with rich aromatics and high acidity. The oils usually give you a medium mouthful. 

You know, clothe filters are a middle ground between paper and clothes filters flavor-wise. If you choose to go with the cloth filters, you have to ensure that they are washed properly between brews and don't allow them to dry out or be too moist.  

Note that these filters can last for a dozen brews before they start contributing off-flavors to your brew. This is because they are trapped oils and micro grounds of previous brews. But they are safe to use for over 50 brews most times. In summary, the cloth filter produces coffee that's aromatic, clean, and bright with a medium body. It takes about 40 to 60 seconds to clean up. 


We have told you why you should rinse your coffee filter and the types of coffee filters to use. It's time to choose a coffee filter that best fits your lifestyle. Do you want a bright, crisp, and acidic coffee? Then the paper filter is a great option. 

If you want a rich and aromatic cup with an oily body and no sediments. Cloth filters may be the filter you need. Do you want to experience the best out of your delicious coffee beans, you want coffee with a rich, robust profile? Or are you conscious of your environment? Then a metal coffee filter is a great option.  

At Coffee hero, we love selling freshly roasted coffee beans that will enable you to get the best brew. If you'd like to brew exceptional coffee, click here to get great coffee beans. 

Happy caffeinating.

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